We conduct workshops and learning Programs for various levels Top Management to Operatives at Private and Public sectors . The programs will be full of interactive sessions, exercise and games appropriate to the program and latest tech needed.
Some of the important programs done by our Team in the recent years:
- Effective communication and self improvement
- Interpersonal skill
- Team is must for you and all
- Time is same for all
- Motivation, Leadership and productivity
- Paradigm shift -for workmen and executives
- Stress Management
- Change Management and our role
- 5s concepts overall view and its implementations
- Work life balance
- Works is joy and life
- Team work and overall improvement
- English speaking made simple and easy.
- Discipline and Law
- Program for Students-Communication/Leadership
- and so on.
- The Compliance auditor will scrutinize all the compliances applicable in the labour laws.
- The compliance auditor will guide the company, about the list of forms, Returns and registers to be submitted/maintained as per Labour laws
- The compliance auditor will segregate the compliances which are applicable and not applicable to our factory.
- compliance auditor will provide the necessary timeframe for submission to Govt authorities if any.
- The above compliances audit work is executed as one-time activity by compliance auditor.